Submit a Backblast

Submit a Backblast

Describe what happened at your workout
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Type in your f3 name if you led the workout
  • Area of Operation for your Beatdown
  • What is the verified count of men that attended this workout?
  • Give it your best shot to list out who showed up to the workout. Comma separated will do.
  • Come up with something creative if you can.
  • Let the people know what happened at the workout. Typically, a backblast will start off with an intro line followed by a rough outline of the what the beatdown looked liked for those who would want to reference it in the future. Finally, there is a 3rd section called the "Moleskine". It's free game here. Share your deepest insights, call out those who may have missed, and give your observations about what went down at the workout.

F3 Metro