Bring A 2.0 Day

The BackBlast:

What a surprise to see so many pax on a holiday weekend MIP! It was also great to see 5 pax with their 2.0s both human and canine.

It’s been too long since I have posted or Q’ed at MIP, and it was a privilege to do so today. The rain held off, so we stayed dry.

Kudos to Monkeyfeet for bolting right before kickoff to run home to get an FNG a pair of sneakers. That FNG was named Rogaine, obviously because he had enough hair on his head for at least 2 or 3 other men.

Milk Dud tried to name himself Carrot Top, which was almost acceptable as he did have red hair, but you know how that goes when you try to name yourself. I can’t recall how we got to Milk Dud for his nickname.

Seymour was from Goldsboro so got named after the Air Force base there.

Here’s the summary of what we did:

COP – stretching and low impact exercises interspersed with an increasing number of burpees and laps around the parking lot.

Broke into teams of 3, moseyed to the parking log, each team chose a rock and we did grinders for a while.

I sensed that everyone wanted to handle their own coupon, so all grabbed a rock, circled up while I demonstrated 5 or 6 rock exercises.

Then groups of 5 would run around the circle of pax after calling an exercise the rest of the pax did. We did two rounds of that, and then moseyed back to the start.

Annoucements – None

There was plenty of mumblechatter, lots of hard work completed, poor choices by some with their rock selection, a demonstration of great parenting, and a natural disrespect by the 2.0s when they crushed their fathers by leaving them in the dust running the laps. I was disappointed I wasn’t WarDaddy – but Seymour had me beat by no more than a year; and the span in ages was almost 60 years with Green Machine coming in at a solid 6.

Please pray this weekend for those that served and gave their lives to allow us the liberty and freedom we have today.

God Bless everyone and God Bless the United States of America.


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