AO: Lift and Shift

When: 09/25/2023

QIC: Waffle House

Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Chalet, Cold Cuts, Gridlock, Newnan, Smothered n Covered, Titan, Tool Belt, Tootsie, Waffle House,

The BackBlast:

Is there a better way to celebrate your special day than a workout free of charge, open to all men, held outdoors, peer led, and ending in a circle of trust? Maybe so. Could do worse though.

The Thang:
* Standard-ish warmup with SSH (36), imperial walkers, low slow (fast?) squats, merkins, mountain climbers.
* Grab a bell and mosey to grassy slope in front of symphony stage. Time to Lift N Shift, in that order.
* Bear crawl up, 20 merkins, crawl back, recover, pick up bell, carry down, 20 overhead press, carry back.
* Repeat with descending reps 15-10-5, working in diamonds-curls, wide arms-upright row, and solo hand slaps-skull crushers.
* Deposit bell and mosey on to bench area near flag poles atop garage adjacent Barclay Downs.
* Dips-incline merkins for rounds of 10-15-20. Then hamstring curls (Breedlove?) and dead bugs, 3 rounds with 10 each. Finish with 10 good mornings.
* Mosey to Capital Towers garage, action figure R, then backwards up ramp, 10 jump lunges, regular to other end, 10 Apolo Onos, repeat to top, action figure L.
* Tibialis raises (Shaun White?) then Mary: LBCs-Peter Parkers, American Hammer-Parker Peters, flutter-plank jacks.
* Down stairs, hold Al Gore, mosey back to launch, plank til finish.

* At least two pax made use of on site facilities left from Saturday event at Symphony Park. Convenient.
* Email and preblasts can still work well despite modernized Slack approach, resulting in solid turnout of nine. One HC fartsacked. Must have seen who was Q’ing.
* Kudos to Gridlock and Chalet for turning around from Worm inside 48 hours. Consistency is the name of the game.
* Bill of Rights proposed by Congress to states OTD 1789. Can you name all 10?
* Drone/UFO sighting thx to sharp-eyed Cold Cuts. Origin and purpose unclear. Sable with good thought that it could be Garmin.
* Best to incorporate feedback in real time, if possible. SnC comments on good mornings earned opportunity to show he’s still got it. Call it a birthday gift. Note: he’s still got it.
* Need some Exicon ideas/confirmation for hamstring curls/Breedlove, modified dead bugs, good mornings, and Shaun Whites.
* Leadership all around what with at least 5 current or former site Qs, a nantan, a 1F, and two Respectables present. If this is YHC’s last backblast, you’ll know evaluations were poor.

Announcements & Prayers:
* Help Dahlia Grove, local org rehabbing trafficked women. Volunteer mtg Saturday, 9/30 at 10am at St. Stephen UMC. Will be landscaping oppos among other things. See Slack, nantan, or link for more: https://www.f3metro.com/2023/new-initiative-dahlia-grove-sat-sept-30th-at-10am/.
* Abacus and family doing 5k also Sat, 9/30 to benefit St. Jude (donate: https://bndfr.com/2v4Mt or join: https://bndfr.com/2v4MC).
* Lifting up for Noone (sp?) family dealing with loss of 42 y/o mom, Kaufman (sp?) dealing with another round of cancer x2 parents.

* Thx to site Q for being born and sharing keys.
* Thx to pax for push, chatter, and feedback—it’s a gift.

YHC – Waffle House

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