This is NOT the backblast Grapevine wanted

AO: Diamondhead

When: 01/17/2022

QIC: The Reverend Flo=Rida

Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Chocolate Box, Grapevine, Rev Flo, Scrum,

The BackBlast:

I admit, i was a little concerned this morning about attendance. Moving the start time can be tricky for some folks–those who see twitter as ‘Satan’s correspondence tool” are often uninformed about changes in time. The weather would keep some away. It is a holiday. And, it’s diamondhead which in and of itself makes folks stay away. And so when there were 3 pax joining me, I felt giddy.

And yet i did not let my emotions get the best of me. We still had standards. And upon arrival at The temple we did just that. Upon conclusion of the standard, we did a new workout. Each exercise involved a static hold and an activity that each of us took turns doing so as to act as a timer. It looked like this:
1. Snatch with static hold at top ( timer did 3 burpees)
2. Chest press with static hold at top ( timer did 3 Spiderman merkins Left and Right)
3. Squat with hold at bottom (timer did 5 Bulgarian split squats Left and Right)
4. Hammer Curl static hold at 1/2 way point ( timer did 5 outboards)
5. Protract hold at 45 degree (timer did 5 waybacks Left and Right)

We did 3 rounds of the above for each exercise, then 1 round of side lunge and calf raises before we ran out of time.
NMM: towards the 3/4 mark, YHC asked Grapevine if his M Heather was going to make breakfast for us. Grapevine replied that she would not, but she did make Quiche Lorraine yesterday. This launched into a dialogue about heather’s quiche which, while not actually saying anything untoward or dis tasteful quickly became an allusion that …well, lets just say might get us in trouble. And while during coffeteria Grapevine insisted that I should write a 10-12 page doument about Heather’s quiche, I refrained from such juvenile temptations.

Being a grown up is exhausting. I gotta take a nap.

Playlist was all songs that would keep us ward. Mumble chatter was all about the bands of the playlist, and included the nugget that Bruce Springsteen wanted Fire to be performed by The ramones, and The Ohio Players are from Steubenville .

SO there you go.

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