Chaos Reigns – But My Form was Perfect

The BackBlast:

14 men, including 5 infiltrators from Kingswood, posted at the smallest park in Charlotte (Carmel Road Park). YHC planned a team event and found out it is much harder to give directions to teams than just running and calling exercises.

The Thang:

COP – SSH, 1 burpee, Squats, 2 burpees, Mtn Climbers and Peter Parkers, 3 burpees.

Form up teams (poorly formed due to my fail) and meet at back of my car. Each team grabs one sand bag and a few bricks (needed more bricks). Mosey down Carmel to cul de sac at Tufton Brae for a few minutes of mary and 4 burpees.

Mosey down to Carmel and take right onto Mill Pond road. 10 overhead presses (if you had the bag) or 10 Merkins at each light. Take turns carrying the sand bag (I would have thought this was obvious). Stop at crest of hill and plank up.

Run down hill and take left on School House and run to bottom. 10 of called exercise but teammates can finish early or turn around (especially if carrying sand bag) when team rabbit finishes. Rinse and repeat 3 times although we left SB and bricks and top of crest on last round.

Mosey back up Mill Pond, Teammates without the SB sprint to next street light and circle back to man with SB. Hand off SB to another team mate and then sprint to next light. Keep repeating until we get to top of Mill Pond.

Mosey back down Carmel to Tufton Brae for COP. Man with SB does 10 overhead presses while other teammates do squat jumps until all team members have completed presses. Mosey back to AO and drop off coupons. Mosey over to church parking lot for sprint, lunge walk, broad jumps to bottom and reverse back to top until time to sprint to starting point. Finish last 1 1/2 minutes doing burpees while waiting on the six.

COT and NM

Good crew with the hogs from KW bringing up the six. We did have only 4 team members versus 5 on the other two teams (and somehow ended up with 4 bricks instead of 2 for a short period before YHC corrected that allocation error). Dr Belding was smart enough to ditch his KW brothers and join a faster/younger team of 5.

Dr Belding was also smart enough to market his new book – “The Crumbling Schoolhouse” on Amazon. Great book on the current state of our school system and practical fixes. The PAX need to help a starving asst principal/aspiring author out.

KW will put Governator in our rotation along with Hotbox and Centurion. We travel as a pax and can be booked in advance for the right price. Site Q’s wanting to goose their numbers can contact me.

Chalet, Sable, and Cold Cuts needed their own bag. I was trying to slow them down but easy to hide when you are on team of 5.

I did learn that conducting a fast paced workout with teams is hard. I needed to take a little longer to form the teams and give clearer direction. We had a fair amount of chaos but that’s how I learn.

Announcements: Contact me, Dr Belding, Manziel, Forge, or Kickin Chicken if you can join a team to increase male presence in our schools. Likely will have multiple options from greeting kids when the get off school bus in the morning to lunch buddies, and after school enrichment. Our mission is to “Model, instruct, and guide boys in order to inspire peer leaderhip.

As always, I receive more than I give when I Q and am blessed that I am able to do so.

4 thoughts on “08/24/2022 - Governator - Chaos Reigns – But My Form was Perfect”

    • Chelms’ form as ghastly as ever. Please don’t “model” any merkins in your school visits. Otherwise A for effort, King’s Wood


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