
AO: Virtual

When: 05/15/2023

QIC: ColdCuts

Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: Aquafresh, Chowda, Coach, ColdCuts, Dover, Geppetto, LegallyBlonde, Matlock, Monk, Noonan, ReddFoxx, Titan, Tootsie, Uncle, Valdez,

The BackBlast:

Mothers Day Sunday begets Metallica Monday…

The Thang:
We’re already in a circle so SSH, IW, SharonTowers… mosey to stop 1, Suffolk Punch, for dips/derkins… mosey to stop 2, RockBox, for monkeyhumpers in the window and bearcrawls… mosey to stop 3, Del Frisco’s roundabout, for bearcrawls, crabwalks, and reverse bearcrawls… mosey to stop 4, Legion, for lunge walks… mosey to stop 5, Village Tavern, for derkin plank walks… mosey back to RockBox for solo handslap merkins to regain some street cred. Back to bells.

Meathead section: grab bells and loud music. Mini step ladders of the following: swings/curls/snatches, bootyswings/frenchpress/cleans. Fill in with renegade rows, surrycountys, more snatches, castle-ing, RPP, LPP, thrusters and prolly more yhc forgot. Fin.

Pub crawl covered ~2miles… Not sure if the RockBox drive-bys will help or hurt our EH’ing… Geppetto in the hizzee- wanted to see “the other Suffolk Punch.” Sadly no monkeybars at the jungleless gym by this new venue. Related: everyone should go to the original Suffolk on Tuesday at 5:45pm to try an installment of Punch Bowl… Coach- yhc did have long hair in the late ’90s. It was Phish ponytail, not Metallica mullet… Legally Blonde gave it his all- nearly unable to complete name-o-rama but finished!… Respect-fest out there. Studs… Uncle with the HC success!… today’s soundtrack: metallica oldschool, tool, metallica slow, and flobots. Flobots had about 30 seconds airtime before getting boo’ed off stage. Titan- yhc still likes that song.

Announcements- successful CPR class on Saturday. Good lead, foxx… prayer requests: HE and his daughter, Geppetto’s mom, Gizzard’s new hip…. Uncle- thx for the email hype and for siteQ-ing. More Metallica next Monday

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