Do It Right

The BackBlast:

It was only 0900 but the real feel was 85 sheesh. Max sun, clear eyes, full hearts. Football preseason has commenced with Utah earning a fartsack instead of the post. Vega rarely fartsacks and kicked it off…

The Thang:
COP with the easy stuff and a plankorama medley. Grab a block and a partner. Partner1 kraken with 3 push press x 10 while partner2 planks. Flipflop. Onto the hill behind Clutch. Partner1 sprint from pole to pole with partner2 block farmer carry. Flipflop. Up the hill and back down. Drop the blocks and mosey across the street to that 2 story building with the steps. InchWorm up the stairs. Various plankage on the top deck including walking hands up and down the railing.

Back across the street to reunite with blocks, up the hill, and thru the parking lots to the bridge north by BofA Stadium. Partner work of all sorts including BearCrawls+Curls combo and many more. Plank up abreast for merkin wave. Take 1, take 2, take 3, other direction, follow Hellboy’s lead… transport blocks back to Community Matters for some filler and one unintelligent pax picking the number 13 for the number of burpees with which to end. Fin.

Rebound fellas again outnumbered non-rebounders 2:1. Incredible guts… We covered 1.2miles per strava but hard to calculate the swoleness intake… How annoyed was that millennial on the phone on the top deck? Pretty funny. Sorry dude… Vega hit a dog turd mine #leader… It took us several tries to get the merkin wave right. Maybe it was the mumble chatter or that one walker broke our concentration (you know the one I’m talking about). Anywho, glad Vega pushed us to do it right… we’re all learning to do it right with IT being a fill-in-the-blank for anything in life. I talked to a returning rebounder about his story of being on the right path, knocked off, and returning back on. The SkyQ forgives and gives us second chances. Do not take that mercy for granted – or time for that matter- to Do It Right asap. Best of luck, ZoomZoom… Also special TAPs for returning LSU Tiger Highlander, my partner Cowbell (Lexington NC bbq not Lexington KY bourbon), and FNG Scoot with his 10yr old… FNGs! x 2. 1) Scoot’s first girlfriend didn’t have a car. 2) Monongahela hails from the steel city with 3 rivers and an annoying football team. Welcome and see u next time!

Announcements: no hangovers. one day at a time.

Take out by everyone from Hellboy to Sleepy. If there is a better take out in the nation, YHC will travel.

Great work by Vega, Hellboy, Beethoven, Beaver, Fletch and all the regulars. IT.

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