How to Lose Friends and Make People Hate You

AO: Mission I'm Possible

When: 07/07/2020

QIC: 1433

Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Carroier, Deer Tick, Fletch, Gravy, Hootie, Hot Wings, Marv, Mormon(FNG), Moses(FNG), Natch, Reverend Flo-Rida, Vega, Woody WoodPecker,

The BackBlast:


The bulk of my work day involves influencing other people.  I spend an enormous amount of time and energy creating an environment where people perform to a standard because they are self-motivated to do so.  I work really hard to create an atmosphere that is uplifting, invigorating, and exciting.  That’s what I do Monday-Friday.  So come Saturday, I am out of good intentions and general niceties.

And it showed on Saturday.


The Thang:

We started out with the Standard—because even when I am being a total tool, I adhere to the standards.


Next, mosey over to the second level walkway in whatever that former asbestos factory turned workspace building is called.  2 sets of 11’s—Bulgarian split squats with full squats followed by Rocky leg lifts and LBC’s.    Then, 3 rounds of cable climbs from the plank position while your partner ran the asbestos loop.

Grab a rock and circle up for 5 sets of stupid exercises interspersed with cursing and snot waggling.

Choctaw plank run back for COT.


The 11’s were brutal.  My legs still hurt and it’s Tuesday.  The ab stuff makes me sexy but I hate myself so much that I am bloated from the self hatred.  And so, I hate me, you hate me, we all hate together.


At least we aren’t alone.


Naked Man Moleskin:

Ever wonder why I do MIP? Of course you do. Admit it, you spend an enormous amount of tiem trying to figure out why I do what I do.  So here it is….I go to MIP for the unexpected amazing moments like this one:

I pick up a pax from Hope Haven to go to the convergence.  After the convergence, I grab one of the teenagers I live with that has decided he needs to get in better shape  and we head to MIP .   On the way home after the M I P  beatdown,  the pax asks the teenager how he’s been . Teenager says he is struggling with his acne and doesn’t like his appearance.   Pax says “ I know what you mean.  I got all my teeth pulled and the new one’s ain’t here yet.”    And there you have it.   I got acne, you got your teeth pulled out, we have something in common.


These are the moments that drive me to MIP.


You should come to.


Or you can be a tool.


1 thought on “07/07/2020 - Mission I'm Possible - How to Lose Friends and Make People Hate You”

  1. And if you are wondering, I hate you too after those 11’s on Saturday. But my momma always said “don’t say hate”, so let’s just say – I don’t like you after those 11’s on Saturday. But I do love our man Gravy and who he is becoming.


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