It never rains on a Core workout

AO: Achilles Last Stand

When: 06/22/2021

QIC: Hallpass

Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: $$$, Butcher, Eminem, frostbite, Grenspan, Howitzer, Kiefer, My Sharona, Nibbler, Pigskin, Raid, Wahoo, Wrap it up,

The BackBlast:

One of the dilemmas of Queing an outdoor workout is predicting the weather and matching the exercise locations to the pax’s desire to workout or not workout under adverse conditions. Tuesday was one of those days where you knew bad weather was coming but Channel 36 did not know when, so the Q was left to figure it out for himself. A basic non-shelter workout was planned and successfully implemented with no rain, and here is what we did.

After a brief warmup we headed to the best asphalt in F3 and did partner merkin ladders followed by partner crunchy frogs and mountain climbers. Crunchy Frogs were introduced into this country by our good friend Pigskin who will be smuggling those varmits across state lines to Richmond when he moves this summer. Take time to read Piggy’s backblast for last week’s Attilla. We are all better people because we know you, Pig.

From the upper lot we did the partner run up the AG hill with one partner doing monkey humpers while the other ran. We then did the obligatory backward run up the entrance road stopping at each light to do 5 star jumps.

In another tribute to The Pig we did his favorite 11, donkey kicks followed by dips at the Temple. Moving on we did our tribute to My Sharona by polishing off a set of Mike Tysons and runs in between each set.

We moseyed back toward the AO and stopped at the rails for some inboards, outboards and derkins before finishing up with a Money ($) led protractor which was miserable. Not miserable for Money but miserable for the rest of us ab-less wonders.

The men of Core are a faithful bunch who are there for each other through thick and thin and good or bad weather. Despite the threat of rain 14 of Core’s finest showed up to support me and each other. For that I am very appreciative.

Footnote: shortly after we ended the skies opened up and those who were still hanging around and my lawn each got a good soaking.

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