Northern invasion – from a confederate state

The BackBlast:

Got to give Forge credit, if he gets an idea in his head he doesn’t give up like a Rottweiler with a steak. He saw some random tweet during midnight Twitter trolling about a SC ghost flag at an AO in the Fort. Of course, he accepted the challenge and started campaigning harder the Bill Clinton at a swim suit convention. He begged and coerced for a full week (dancing idiot) and finally got a few more idiots (YHC included) to agree on a road trip, Not a fun road trip to Vegas but fun none the less. 13 Metro men rolled out of bed around 4:00am for a road trip down to Fort Mill High School (Forge would pick a workout with a 5:15 start).

30 men gathered for some good 1st and 2nd F.

The Thang – Led by Bitcoin (soft spoken – urge him to speak louder when Q’ing a large group) – great job with slow start and hard finish.

Mosey to other parking lot for COP with little baby arm circles (yep – called to mess with the Metro boys and elicited some chatter), cotton pickers, squats, merkins, mountain climbers and a few more exercises.

Mosey to light pole – lunge walk half way and then bear crawl rest of lot. Turn around broad jump back/lunge walk back. DOAH was just talking and walking.

The Main Event – Four corners at four light poles with 5 burpess to start and then 5/10/15 written exercises at each light pole. Thirteen rounds with all kinds of stuff (merkins, CDD’s, Mtn Climbers, Dolly, FM, etc) and a total 70 burpees for the pax that finished all 13 rounds and did extra set of burpees at end. Most pax finished at least 12 rounds – it was a grind.

Back to starting point for COT.

NM – Great group and lots of good banter. The shovel flag is now safely secured in Metro and The Fort will have to compete to get it back. I hear Forge is recruiting from all over NC to get pax to come steal it. Rules – Minimum of 5 guys from a region and the largest number gets the flag if more than one region posts. I will be at the Worm Saturday (6am at AGMS I think), Ruck on Sunday morning, Mutha Ruck on Monday, and Shorecard Tuesday if still in metro possession.

Bitcoin likely has never Q’d a group that large but he handled like a veteran – except needs to be louder. Lots of mumble chatter so you have to get above that. Metro guys appreciate the warm welcome from the PAX down south and letting us “Steal” the flag. We look forward to a visit up to Metro (no baby arm circles).

What Did made a plug for “Accelerate” campaign and took us out with a prayer.

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