Not a Murph

AO: Revolution

When: 05/27/2023

QIC: Scrooge

Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Beethoven, Purina, Rose, scrooge, Teo, TigerDawg,

The BackBlast:

This was going to be a “not-a-Murph, pre-Murph Murph”, but Geppetto convinced me that if I was going to EH the PAX to do the Monday Murph at The Hotbox, burning-out the bi’s today would not be the best move. So, last night, this became the “Not not-a-Murph, pre-Murph Murph”. Ah, well…
0630 – EC & Stretching – 1 PAX arrived and ran a mile for warm-up. To make sure that his wife doesn’t murder him for not being able to walk during their trip abroad, there was a lot of stretching before and afterward. 0700 – circle-up for 25 SSH (Teo pulled-in late and did 1 with a big smile on his face). Plank position for Grapevine Stretch. 10 Sharon Towers. 10 Penny Pickers & follow the Q onto the field… First corner – 13 Merkins. Hustle down to the second corner – 13 Squats. Third corner – 25 flutters. Fourth Corner – 25 more flutters. Rinse and repeat. Head down to under the bridge to search for trolls – none found. Pick-up a coupon instead (not too big and not too small – tough to find). Rose suggests that we cross the creek, as there is better rip rap over there. As Crockett did not think it appropriate to stash city-issued waders in the weeds when we have problems like this come up, it was voted down. After finding what we needed, we started with some preacher curls (for the girls). “Elbows in tight” x 11. Next were Tricep Presses x 11, Overhead Presses x11, Bent Over Rows x 11. Beethoven makes a comment about ‘bent over Rose”. Actually, that was me, but it was enough to through Beethoven off for a second. Rinse and repeat except change the number to 15. Follow the Q back up to the lot. Run to the walkway with the double railing and mount it (get your mind out of the gutter). Feet on one railing, hands on the other. Move on up (slowly) towards the gazebo without falling off and knocking out teeth. Plank at the end and wait for the Six. At the gazebo, we go the the wall, but not before running into Puzzle (Jigsaw’s cousin). TigerDawg gives him a hearty “hello!” At the wall – 13 step-ups followed by 13 Derkins. Let’s move back to the field and once there, we line-up on a wall for Calf Raises. Both feet x 20, left foot x 11, both feet x 20, right foot x 11. Back on to the field at a slow mosey. I turn around to see that everyone is there, which causes them also to run backwards. (Okay, we can do this). Two laps around the football field backwards. Starting into the second lap, Rose makes some derogatory statement about running backwards for so long (so it’s working – that’s good). Teo makes to run me down while going backwards (and almost does), but I’m so nimble that I easily dodge him. Or he’s just a nice guy and swerves past me (go with the latter, as that’s the truth). Stop at the back corner of the field for some abs – 30 BB Sit-Ups, 20 Rose-a-litas, 20 Dolly’s, 15 Reverse Crunches.
COT – Sedgefest is in 358 days. Plan on attending. Monday Murph at the Hotbox – 7am. Plan on attending. Coffe-teria at Enstein’s where we learn about how Beethoven is looking at South End as an oyster bed and his intension of making a necklace. Also, Purina let it be known that he is intending on waiting till at least the 10-year mark before proposing to TigerDawg’s daughter (they are at 6yrs of bliss so far)

1 thought on “05/27/2023 - Revolution - Not a Murph”

  1. Don’t you hate when you forget something. We ended with everyone’s favorite – 2:20 plank. I was so happy…


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