Meandering Thoughts

AO: Attila

When: 06/18/2021

QIC: Pigskin

Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Eminem, Hall Pass, My Sharona, Pigskin, Raid, Robin Hood, Wind Chill,

The BackBlast:

Robin Hood commented that maintaining our health as we get older is vital. Neither of us want to end up in assisted living or a nursing home. (We both want to be like Money and Horse!) The exercise we do is vital to avoiding that. Plus, we enjoy it.

For me, the key to exercise is habit and enjoyment. If I develop a habit, (every day I stretch and go to F3), then it becomes ‘automatic’. Lately, I’ve added sit-ups, plantar fasciitis stretches and foundation training (a you tube video for strengthening your back). Festus sent me the link and Rev lead us thru the 12-minute video last Saturday at MIP. I have lower back problems from time to time and the foundation training video really seems to be effective.

On the sit-ups, I was disappointed that I could do not the requirement for military training; interlock your fingers and with your feet braced, do 50 or 55 sit-ups in 2 minutes. Last time, I got to 40. So, I’m adding that to my daily regimen.

I view exercise and stretching kind of like oil changes on your car. It’s regular maintenance that needs to be done if you want your body to keep working.

The other key to routine exercise for me is enjoyment. If you start to dread working out, you’re doing something wrong. It’s got to be something you want to do or at worst, occasionally feel like ‘ok, I’ll guess I’ll do it today’. It helps me immensely to be exercising with other people. I pick up energy from them and have fun pushing myself.

Anyway, this is my last Atilla Q. I’ve signed up for 1.5 more Qs. My last Q in Charlotte will be on July 10, at MIP. And I’m sharing the Core Q with Hoedown on June 26, a date I can easily remember. My dad passed away unexpectedly that day, 30 years ago.

Also, June 26 is a Saturday. After the workout, a bunch of us are meeting at Panera on Providence for Coffeteria. Hope you can make it! (Gracias to Hoedown and Rocketman for organizing this.)

I’m very much looking forward to the new house in Richmond and to being near my son, my daughter, their spouses and their 3 children. The last child was born 10 days ago. It will be exciting to be near them.


I retired from work almost 4 years ago. Part of my going-away activities is scheduling lunches and dinners with previous co-workers. I’ll be saying ‘adios’ to a lot people over the next three and half weeks.

I will very much miss the F3 people in Charlotte. Things change. We’ve seen people come and go. Lately, Sunshine left for Wyoming, Earthmover for Charleston, Eminem is planning on moving, 88 is moving and unfortunately, Double Trouble died. Others are going thru life changes (retirement or winding down careers, advancing in their careers, changing jobs, children moving out of the house and/or going off to college.)

I have been greatly blessed by my affiliation with F3. I’ve met a lot of people and I’ve learned a lot from all of them. I’ve had a lot of great experiences with F3 including two trips to Chimbote, Peru, my participation with the Charlotte Rescue Mission (MIP) and a lot great conversations and Bible studies.

If you’re ever in Richmond, look me up. My phone number is 704-779-3307.


What we did today:

Warm-up in the deck, jog to the circle on the greenway and 4 more exercises. Off in the direction of ‘Captain Jack’. A stop at the wall for People’s Chair air presses, BTTW Hip Slaps and Donkey Kicks.

Further along for another set of People’s Chair, BTTW Australian Mountain Climbers and Donkey Kicks.

To the park with Captain Jack. We did a circuit 3 times with 20 Dips, 20 Derkins and 20 Squats.

Back to the Target Deck with a stop for People’s Chair, BTTW Toe Taps and Donkey Kicks and one more stop for People’s Chair and Donkey Kicks.

To the circle on the greenway for 4 more exercises and to the Target Parking Deck.

There, we did 3 circuits of 10 merkins on the bottom level, climb the stairs to the top level, cross the parking deck, 5 Burpees and back to the start. I had to push myself to keep up with 88.

Last trip was back to the 2nd level where we start for a couple of ‘foundation training’ exercises.


Blood drive July 31 at Harvest Center on Freedom Blvd. This is another group that does wonderful things for those less fortunate in our city. You can contact Doe Rae Mi or Hall Pass (and I’m sure others) to learn more.

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