11/12/2021 - Attila - Who’s in the House

COP – Shuffle, IW, Merkins, Sharon Towers, Squats, Reverse Crunch Tabata Friday at Atilla – At each stop 8 sets of 20 second work and 10 second rest, then mosey…

11/12/2021 - Attila - Who’s in the House

COP – Shuffle, IW, Merkins, Sharon Towers, Squats, Reverse Crunch Tabata Friday at Atilla – At each stop 8 sets of 20 second work and 10 second rest, then mosey…

08/11/2021 - Gamucci - Burden in my hand

Being asked to be substi-Q the night before might seem to be a burden, but I was happy to oblige.  Nevertheless, I slept terribly the night before.  I always sleep…

06/26/2020 - Attila - Mask Up Pax??

Intro: OK, so DRM tweeted out the following last evening in prep for Q at Atilla. “Lots of explaining so bring your listening skills.” Not even close. Bad echo in…

F3 Metro