11/05/2021 - Sparta - #SpartaStupid

#SpartaStupid is always the same. Sparta involves high-impact hustle hoping for a faint-of-heart drop, a moment of bodily peril, and/or an all around disrespect for the sick, lame, and lazy…

03/26/2021 - Sparta - A Tale of Two Spartas

Something serious went down at Sparta this AM. It seemed almost like we were at RAnGEr or something. But This. Was. Sparta. I expect there will be dueling Backblasts. Consider…

08/21/2020 - Sparta - Dumb and Dumber

“One time we mated a bull dog with a shih-tzu.  We called it a bullshit”  …..pretty much sums up the first 30 minutes of the workout. Ran the pax through…

F3 Metro