

When: 05/29/2021

QIC: Pigskin

Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: DoeRayMe, Eminem, Forge, Hasselhoff, HoeDown, Pigskin, Skoal Bandit, Traitor, Valdez, Van Winkle, Windchill,

The BackBlast:

I’ll mention Buzzcock’s recovery. He had a tough time with Covid but is recovering and exhibiting an outstanding attitude dealing with adversity. Helping him along are his friends and their spouses from F3, as well as his own family. You have an opportunity to provide meals. There is a sign-up. Check with Hoedown if you need the link.


Van Winkle rode his bicycle while we did a variety of Exercises. Van Winkle showed up at the end for the COT. He went to Silver Bullet and discovered that the take-out lasts a bit longer than he expected. The hypothesis is that no one either listens at home or can hear them when they talk at home and soooooooooo…. They make up for it at COT.


We did a Warmup with 8 exercises.

SSHs, Diamonds, Knee-ups, Grapevine

IW, Peter Parker, Flutter, Touch toes

Next, Swings, Luganis, Overhead Press, Rows, Goblet Squats, 20,15,10,5. After each round, a stretching exercise

Next, to the playground for 2 sets of 10 Pull-ups, 20 Merkins and 30 Squats

Next to the parking deck, 11s: from the top of the first ramp to the bottom, over the wall on the side, down the next wall to the alley. At the top of the ramp, KB curls. In the alley, Balls to the wall toe taps. I could not keep up with Hoedown.

Next, Jacob’s ladder using the stairwell: Jacob’s ladder to 5 with Burpees at the top, across the top to the other stair well and KB Swings at bottom (1 burpee and 10 KB Swings, 2 burpees and 10 KB Swings, etc.)


MIP at 9:00: Blue Tornado with the Q

Confession tomorrow at 7AM: Undercurrent Coffee, 2012 Commonwealth Ave.  This is across the street from Common Market.

Memorial Day; 7:00 AM: Two choices at the Hot Box; Murph or Scrum with Diamondhead KBs

Valdez with the takeout about the reason for Memorial Day. Many if not all of us either served or had family members and/or friends who in the past or present who served in the US military. Some paid the ultimate price. Others suffered terribly. It is a sobering reminder that freedom is not free.

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