The square root of a Virgin Q

AO: Revolution

When: 04/12/2021

QIC: Chimay

Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Antifa, Chimay, Evil Scout, Fletch,

The BackBlast:

AO: Blizzard, 6am Mondays at Dairy Queen-Wilkinson

Chimay picked up the marching baton today and prepared to beat the Pax into submission. Some ‘Smart-sacked’ as they knew Chimay had a knack for fun runs and ultra pain seeking activities. The rest of us followed our golden-locked leader into the gloom.

To celebrate his kids going back to school, Chimay decided it would be educational to layer in some math riddles in this schoolhouse themed beatdown. Like Mr. Feeney in Big Meets World, he was about to drop some knowledge.

As we began the pain train, I discovered the roots of Chimays naming being his affinity for monastic tendencies and silent retreats. We ran down Greenland with increasing burpees at each intersection. Burps are not silent.

We huddle at the Joy Mart to conduct a miraculous sit-up exercise. It’s like dissecting that frog in 7th grade science class, Chimay basically broke apart the crunch to educate us on proper form. Fletch had his coordination skills put to the limit, while Antifa pondered about the Twinkies he may find in this abandoned convenience store dumpster.

Morehead is where the real fun began. Suicides up and down the hill riddled with cones, it may as well have been a slolom course . Evil barely held onto his pants, nearly releasing unspeakable, horrific vapors in the morning gloom.

We came across a lone Sad Clown moseying in silence, with the earbuds of ‘Don’t Talk to Me I’m living My Best Life’ sufficiently plugged in. Saying hello in the morning seems rarely reciprocated these days…particularly when sprawled out on the sidewalk doing Freddy Mercury’s like a band of bandits escaped from the farm.

Chimay’s silent retreats often don’t involve clocks. Antifa’s fun quota was nearly at its limit so he kindly shared the hour with our fair Q…10 mins left. Time to get on back. Up the hill again. This is where the math got freaky scary.

”Let’s do exponential”….”Expo-what” says Evil. Diamonds and Peter Parkers back to base camp, if you can’t do math and you lose track…just do more. Evil thought about rebelling, but then remembered detention growing up. Apparently Fletch never got detention, he was a model citizen. Whelp here’s your gloom punishment for getting out of bed.

Prayers for upcoming marriages and new jobs. Q Source now on the West side, grab a buddy and come grab coffee at 8:15am on Saturdays, Community Matters Cafe. Let’s become better leaders together.


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