10/28/2022 - Casbah - Festive

Christmas theme workouts abound but have u ever been to a halloween one? Here we go The Thang: Mosey north on Foxcroft Rd to COP in no particular area: SSH,…

08/02/2022 - Shorecard - ATES

The bell rang and the Faithful gathered in the Hotbox THANG: 1. Warmorama 2. Decapolis (3 rounds) 3. Bellorama 4. Eight and Chase (big loop) 5. Pledge 6. AAQ 7.…

07/19/2022 - Shorecard - BloodWings

THANG: 1. As usual, we started with a #Randorama with the bag, bell, block and WCD (weight carrying device). 2. It was (well) hot in the Hotbox, so YHC had…

10/06/2021 - Atlas - Back to Reality

With Iron Pax over it was time to get back to normal at Atlas. The normal crew was back. Now instead of everyone looking at the back of Ice9’s head…

06/02/2020 - Ring Run - U Can Taper These

Intro: Yeah the whole taper idea doesn’t work well with this group.  Taper week becomes taper day.  We got a 10 yard head start on Chalet and were off… The…

F3 Metro