
The BackBlast:


1. As usual, we started with a #Randorama with the bag, bell, block and WCD (weight carrying device).

2. It was (well) hot in the Hotbox, so YHC had the PAX gear up and move to the Trash Stairs and drop gear. From there were did a #GearJack, which is a series of 50m “sprints” increasing the amount of gear being carried each time. Last sprint you’ve got the WCD on your back, the bag on your shoulders and you’re AFC (asymmetric fireman’s carry) with the bell and block.

3. Then we did a speed bump run to Locksmith (10 Rerkins at each bump) and back.

4. At that point I should have Muschamped to one of the LionKillers, but (well) I didn’t (#Cobains). Instead, we did a WCD Indian Run through the NoMembersChurch back to the TrashStairs.

5. Penultimately, a GearLoader: carry a single piece of gear (no order specified) up the TrashStairs, across the lot and down the HomelessManStairs to the Startex. Rinse and repeat until all four pieces of gear are back where they started.

6. Lastly (see below, point 4).

7. COT


1. Ice9 was IR for SC, but Posted to Accountability with the LionKillers.

2. Guantanamo ran his hole at max decibel (as usual), in celebration of being picked up for O-4 and his new baby (which he named after Poppy—a 55 yo Jewish bagel baker from Queens—for some reason).

3. Bulge pretty much admitted he’s down to Zero-Fs (welcome to the club amigo). He’s Randolph County Royalty btw.

4. YHC did something virtually unprecedented in Metro—he Posted a ShovelFlag and had the PAX recite the pledge to it (something I picked up from the ECU PAX, who do it every freaking time). Guantanamo, Disney and YHC rendered the hand salute, which is our right and duty as veterans.

5. TML’s son Bo just graduated from the United States Army Airborne School as the freaking honor grad. No surprise (apple-tree). When YHC did the same thing (not the honor grad part) in 1986, the tradition was to issue BloodWings in recognition of the effort and acceptance of the soldier into the airborne brotherhood. YHC assumed that this tradition had long since been halted by the Goo that has (sadly) managed to infiltrate the Army. But no, they still do it. Bo got his BloodWings.


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