9 Years Strong

The BackBlast:

We celebrated the 9th anniversary of CORE. What started out as a simple desire to have an AO for Pax that don’t want to run as much or as fast. Often this gets translated as “old guys” and there certainly is what Rev would call a “truth nugget” to the moniker. The reality is that CORE is just as hard as any other AO because it is still based on you vs. you. This is why it has grown so much and why we have so many guys in their 30’s and 40’s regularly posting. There is now a CORE option every day (Yes, I know Diamondhead is “technically” not CORE but it is all of the same Pax so it might as well be).

At the 45-minute mark of the work out we found the hidden drink cooler stashed behind the Queens clock tower. While we refreshed ourselves on Gatorade and water, DRM shared some of the back story to how CORE started.  The short version is that two guys (DRM and Crotch Rocket) got together to start something to make F3 better and more accessible. Once it was up and running, CR left it to DRM to lead it and make it grow.


At COT YHQ asked the Pax to think about what F# + CORE meant to them.  YHQ told his story and threw some props at OBT for head locking him and some shade for not posting (often called a Naked Headlock).  Others told their stories including, DRM and My Sharona.  YHQ took us out.


The workout is listed below.  YHQ’s intention was to visit a good portion of the AO (close to impossible to touch all the bases) and also recognize some of the Q’s that have helped make CORE such a great experience by calling out their “signature moves.”


We had a diverse group of Pax post which shows the strength of what we have built.  THE 2.0 (19) was the War Baby and Money (80).  How many groups have a 60 year age spread? We also some F3 Royalty (OBT), some Kotters (Motley, Slater, Kiefer), Core first timer (Scratch and Win), one late arrival (Wahoo), one in absentia (Piggy) and two FNGs (Daphne and Krystal).

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, it was YHQ’s 5th Anniversary. He has been wondering how CORE seemed to get by before he came along. He refers to this as the Pre-Hoe Down (PHD) era. Many thanks to all of the good friends YHQ has made along the way.  Before F3 I was a Sad Clown who didn’t know it.  Now, I am in great shape, living and leading a full rich life. Much of the credit goes to F3.

Here’s the thing:

  1. The,Usual,+,MC,+,Stretches
  2. 5,Burpees,OYO
  3. GAAP:,Curl,,Squat,,Press,@,10,IC
  4. Nibbler:,RR,,Back,press,@,10,IC


  1. DRM:,B.L.I.M.P.S.
  2. BT:,SHUTUPS,@,10,/,8,/,6,/,4,/,2
  3. Charcoal:,More,Burpees!,@,5,OYO


  1. Piggy:,7’s,Over,wall,up,ramp,,DK


  1. Dips,,Step,Ups,,Inclines,@,10/8/6/4/2


  1. Charcoal:,More,Burpees!,@,5,OYO
  2. Rev:,Guardian,to,Garage,Entrance
  3. Charcoal:,Even,More,Burpees!,@,5,OYO


  1. Curl,,Squat,,Press,@,10,each,side,IC
  2. Jack,Webs
  3. Mary:,Knee,Up,,Louganis,,Plank,hold,
  4. Brazilian,Mindbender

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